Flowerbomb Bouquet
There aren't many things as bright and beautiful as a bunch of flowers, and our wild Flowerbomb arrangement of artificial flowers has got it all. Bright oranges and purples bring the brightness of the outside in, adorned by the delicate creams and pinks, this bouquet is bright yet balanced.
Product details
• Height: approximately 105cm
• Width: approximately 50cm
• Number of stems: 10
• Artificial flowers and foliage: Lily, Gloriosa, Hydrangea, Delphinium, Allium, Roses, Lilac & Blossom
• Height: approximately 105cm
• Width: approximately 50cm
• Number of stems: 10
• Artificial flowers and foliage: Lily, Gloriosa, Hydrangea, Delphinium, Allium, Roses, Lilac & Blossom
Benefits of Artificial Flowers
✔ Hand-tied by Dutch florists
✔ Low maintenance
✔ Cost effective, no need to replace
✔ Non-toxic to pets
✔ Hypoallergenic
✔ Hand-tied by Dutch florists
✔ Low maintenance
✔ Cost effective, no need to replace
✔ Non-toxic to pets
✔ Hypoallergenic
Vase not included.